2016 Moroccan Studies Research Grants

ASMEA and the Moroccan-American Cultural Center (MACC) offered research grants for scholars and students whose research focused on the Moroccan Culture, History, Religion, and Society. Grants of up to $2500 were awarded to qualified applicants.

2016 Award Recipients

Prof. Geoffrey Jensen (Virginia Military Institute)
The Cultural Perceptions of the Spanish Army in North Africa and Their Meaning for Moroccan History

Ms. Ashley Miller (University of Michigan)
Palaces, Tents, and ‘Imperial Souvenirs’: Exhibiting Cultural Authority in the French Protectorate of Morocco

Dr. Michal Ohana (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Jewish Thought in Fes in the Generations Following the Spanish Expulsion: Characteristics, Style and Content

Mr. Matthew Steele (Harvard University)
Text, Body, and Law: Naked Prayer in the Commentary Tradition of the Khalīl